Lower Back Pain and Cycling - What You Should Know
Considering how bikers work their legs quite hard on those pedals, many people assume that knee injuries are the most common when it comes to cycling - whether on a regular bicycle or electric b...

Common Causes of Hip and Butt Pain while Riding E-Bikes
Riding your ebike to work is quite convenient and can even act as a quick morning workout. However, when you're cycling for quite some time, you can't help but feel some pain or discomfort on y...

Is It Really Worth Using an Electric Bike to Exercise
Biking is a good form of exercise in itself. If you aren’t used to cycling, or you’re not in a very bikeable neighborhood, you can always use an electric bike. It still provides you with a means...

The Different Health Benefits of Using an Electric Bike Regularly
There are a lot of ways for you to stay fit. For the most part, people tend to rely on their diet and regular exercise in order to retain a body that allows them to live a happy and functional l...

The Most Important Safety Gear for Riding an E-Bike
When you are out there riding your e-bike, it is important to take some basic safety precautions. From wipeouts to unsafe road drivers, accidents do happen. Now, this doesn’t mean you should pack u...

The Advantages of an Electric Bike You Can't Ignore
More and more people are converting to the e-bike. They are an increasingly popular choice for travelers who don’t want to suffer the sweat and physical exertion of a normal bike. There is an affo...