How Frequently Should You Service an E-Bike?
As with any other type of bicycle, electric bikes require routine maintenance. Not only will maintaining your bicycle save you money and ensure that it runs smoothly for many years, but it will ...

4 Ways You Can Protect Your Ebike from Theft
One of the biggest things you need to consider when owning an e-bike is security. Thanks to the popularity of these speedsters and high sticker costs, you need to know how to properly lock and p...

Spare Parts You Should Carry for Your Electric Bicycle
If you are out on your electric bicycle on the road, you are placing yourself at risk for a sort of incident or mishap. While being careful can prevent major accidents from happening, smaller ac...

Should You Use a Specific Chain Lube on Your E-bike
Did you recently acquire an electric bike (e-bike), or are you planning on purchasing one? You may know that it uses the same drivetrain components, such as the chain, freewheel, and chainrings,...